Raja Yoga Exercises

Thursday, September 3, 2015

RajaYoga is the umbrella for all the systems of Yoga. It is a path which incorporates the various streams together - the physical, spiritual, moral, educational, system of disciplines, system of energies, and the texts of yoga.
Raja Yoga is based upon raja-vidya, the knowledge of running a kingdom. Raja means royal or regal and in previous times the royalty of India practiced yoga meditation under the guidance of a kula-guru, the teacher of the family and clan.
Raja Yoga is called the royal path because the kingdom is actually oneself and one becomes a ruler of their mind and emotions. It is an organized method of yoga wherein the variety of techniques and methods are placed within a broad framework. Within its scope is ashtanga-yoga, the yoga of eight limbs, consisting of yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi.
Raja Yoga is a science of self-training which provides a refined way to develop the skills which are exactly the abilities required to live life-focusing your attention, lessening distraction, increasing energy, vibrant health, inspiration that induces creativity, and importantly unfolding your intuition which allows you to understand people and situations.
In essence one will have a calm and clear mind, which sees with clarity and comprehension.

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