Are you new to Yoga?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

This is the chance and place to start.
Beginners Yoga has great selection of  yoga classes with different techniques.
I am Anindya, most of my life I have either practiced or taught yoga and meditation. My mission is to study, analyses and simplify the authentic yoga-meditation procedures and break them down into simple steps so they are easily accessible to men and women of varied capability, irrespective of their faith and nationality. I am sure you all want better lives and deep down, you know you are capable of doing better. I have worked hard and have come up with some short courses suitable for beginners or someone with some basic knowledge of the subject. I have no faith in shortcuts and quick fixes. They do not work. In my opinion, a sustained, regular, guided routine of yoga postures, breathing exercises and the basic meditation for as little as 20 minutes per session is sure to bring about long lasting benefits. The purpose of a combined course is to enlighten your intellect and to free your soul from the constriction of a false sense of ego. The flow of life energy and the vibrations will be unhindered. Body flexibility and muscular strength will increase. Love, joy and abundance will gradually come within your grasp. Pain, tension and stress will melt away. You will become a magnet for what you genuinely desired. 

posture I know, it is always tough to take the first step, especially when you have not met me or do not know me. But I have already introduced myself to you and I will be delighted to hear from you and to know you. A lot of effort is going in, to make this site interactive. Every upgraded member will belong to our yoga/meditation group and will be able to participate in its activities. I look forward to see your name there. Remember, I will always be on the other side of your computer, eager to help you with your worries. My mission in life is my student’s wellbeing. So, any course that you feel is suitable for you, please do not hesitate to try out, I am always here to help.

7 Most Common Questions From Yoga Beginners:

>>> How many times each week should I practice?
Start practicing every alternate day. Gradual increase your routine to every morning after drinking a glass of water and before breakfast.

>>> Will I be sore after class?
No, take things easy. If you find any postures difficult, skip that and move onto the next one.

>>> What should I eat before coming to class?
Avoid doing yoga-meditation with a full stomach. Drinking water is good.

>>> How many beginner classes should I take before taking an all levels class?
Allow time to get used to the postures and movements. Normally it takes 2 to 4 months to get proficient.

>>> Should I use props and if so, which ones?
Using props is not compulsory, but you can always use a cushion or a blanket if that makes you feel more comfortable.

>>> If I want to lose weight, should I be doing more than yoga?
When you are doing Yoga For Weight Loss, you have to be attentive to the food you consume. Non-fattening nutritious food is a must.

>>> How long do I need to practice before I start to see changes in my body?
You should begin feeling relaxed, energized and peacefully happy within days of starting Yoga-Meditation.

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